
Ads Policy


This is Version 2.0 of our Ads Policy and was last updated on 03/07/2024.

These NetVibes Advertising Terms (the “Terms”) govern your access to and use of the NetVibes Advertising Services (the “Services”) that NetVibes makes available to you to place ads on the Platform. Please read the Services Policy carefully, as your access to the Platform constitutes your agreement to be bound by the Services Policy, which establishes a contractual relationship between you and NetVibes.

  • The Platform

The Platform is intended to provide a means for you and/or any advertiser on whose behalf you use the Platform (“Advertiser”) to promote products and services by purchasing certain ad space offered by NetVibes (“Ads”). If you are accepting these Platform Terms on behalf of another legal entity, including a business or other entity, you represent that you have the full legal authority to bind such an entity to the Services Policy. As an Advertiser, it is solely your responsibility to ensure that each of your Ads and the Ad Materials you use complies with all applicable laws and regulations, the NetVibes Services Policy, and our other Policies, which can be found here.

By submitting Ads to the Platform, you authorize NetVibes to place your Ads, Ad materials, and related approved technology on any property provided by NetVibes, including, without limitation, the website on any device. You will not use the Platform to disseminate malware, spyware, or other malicious code or otherwise violate any NetVibes Policies.

To ensure consistency with the requirements of the Platform, NetVibes may make certain formatting changes to your Ads, including, but not limited to, changes to size or placement. You further acknowledge and agree that NetVibes can use your Ads and related content for NetVibes’ own PR purposes. In its sole discretion, NetVibes may refuse or modify specific advertisements, campaigns, or targets at any time.

  • Account and Account Access

Anyone over 18, with a NetVibes account, can create ads on NetVibes, but the below-stated rules stand.

  • Making/Creating an Ad

When you use the Platform to submit an Ad, you will then have to wait for review. All paid-for Ads must be approved by a member of our team. Free Ads will appear straight away but will be disabled immediately if the Ad goes against any of our Policies.

  • Changes to This Policy

NetVibes may change or update the Policy from time to time at its sole discretion. If we do, we will notify you by updating the last updated date.